JOGSON has designed a Versatile, Compact and maintenance
free Glycerin Bath Beaker Dyeing Machine which is suitable for developing
Dyeing Recipe for Polyester, Cotton, Viscose, Acrylic, Silk Yarns, Zipper
Tapes, Narrow Fabric, Sewing Threads & any form of fiber or blended
Yarn. This machine is of immense use for dyeing plant, processing units,
research and development labs, testing labs, textile institutes and dyes
The Machine is Equipped with JOGSON dyeing controller which control upto
100 programs with battery backup, Electric Gear Motor, Electric Heater,
Heating / Cooling Coil, Operator Call & Memory Retention in case of
Power Failure. Option of main power control panel with PLC touch interface
is also available Glycerine Bath Beaker Dyeing Machine is provided with
Human / Machine safety interlocks & Sensors for added safety.
It is available in various option having no. of beakers like 6, 8 and
10 with different capacity i.e 150 ml and 250 ml each.